Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Midweek Message from the Mount - August 22, 2012

Food that Really Satisifies

“I am the bread of life. Your forefathers ate the manna in the desert, yet they died. But here is the bread that comes down from heaven, which a man may eat and not die. I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.”  (John 6:48-51)
So much of this life revolves around food, doesn’t it?  Shopping for it, preparing it, eating it.  How often don’t we think about food, and when we’ve had a good meal, tell others about it?  When we get together with friends and family, what it almost always present?  Yes, food of some sort.  Cooking shows are all the rage, with a number of television channels dedicated just to food.  So much of our life revolves around food, and we do enjoy it, don’t we?

But how much of your life revolves around the spiritual food that your soul needs? 

Jesus tells us he is bread.  He is bread that doesn’t just sustain life, it gives life.  Andd the life it gives is eternal life.  This is the food that really matters for this life.  How much of your life revolves around this food?  How much do you think about it?   How often do you tell others about some of the spiritual food that you had that was extremely satisfying to you?  How often is the Bread of Life at your gatherings with family and friends?

Jesus longs for you to be filled with what really satisfies.  Not a Snickers bar, not an extra helping of potatoes, not snacks between meals.  But himself.  Feast on the bread of life.  And feast on it often.  Feast on it like your life depended on it.  Because it does.  Don’t spiritually starve yourself.  Don’t go through this life spiritually malnourished.  He gave himself for you, and he longs to give you the fruits of his life, death and rising.  Be filled, dear Christian!  Be filled with the food that satisfies into eternity!  May your life revolve around this heavenly food!

Prayer:  Dear Jesus, the Bread of Life, instill in me a hunger for you and your Word.  May I see my deep need for all that you have done for me and continue to do for me daily.  May I be moved to continually feed on your holy Word daily and to long for the many blessings you assure me of.  Please help me to keep my eyes fixed on the eternal and to know where true peace and happiness come from:  from you alone.  Amen.

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